Anybody else obsessed with keyrings? We've always gotten a tad carried away with cute things like keyrings, stickers and pins which drew us to creating Chews and Party keyrings! Woohoo!
If you're a little keyring obsessed like us, it's time to add some Chews and Party keyrings to your collection. We’ve got heaps of designs for you to choose from! Pick between:
- The cutest flying dachshund
- Our mascot that you've grown to love
- The coolest ‘dog party person’ anthem
Maybe you want all - we totally get that too).
Use these keyrings anywhere - on your car keys, on your backpack, as decoration for your bookshelf ... you get the picture! Now add to cart before these fly away like the dachshund with balloons!
Dog Party Person Keyring
GST Included